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ElementTile.svelte automatically changes text color to ensure high contrast with its background. If its background is transparent, it traverses up the DOM tree to find the first element with non-transparent background color. This an, of course, go wrong e.g. if the tile is absolutely positioned outside its parent element. In that case, pass an explicit text_color prop and text_color_threshold={null} to ElementTile to override the automatic color selection.

  import { ElementTile, element_data } from '$lib'

  const rand_color = () => `hsl(${Math.random() * 360}, ${Math.random() * 50 + 50}%, ${Math.random() * 50 + 50}%)`

  {#each Array(27).fill(0).map(rand_color) as bg_color, idx}
    <ElementTile {bg_color} element={element_data[idx]} style="width: 4em; margin: 0;" />
    1 H Hydrogen
    2 He Helium
    3 Li Lithium
    4 Be Beryllium
    5 B Boron
    6 C Carbon
    7 N Nitrogen
    8 O Oxygen
    9 F Fluorine
    10 Ne Neon
    11 Na Sodium
    12 Mg Magnesium
    13 Al Aluminium
    14 Si Silicon
    15 P Phosphorus
    16 S Sulfur
    17 Cl Chlorine
    18 Ar Argon
    19 K Potassium
    20 Ca Calcium
    21 Sc Scandium
    22 Ti Titanium
    23 V Vanadium
    24 Cr Chromium
    25 Mn Manganese
    26 Fe Iron
    27 Co Cobalt

Displaying values instead of element names by passing the value prop.

  import { ElementTile, element_data } from '$lib'

  {#each ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow', 'cyan', 'magenta', 'black', 'white'] as bg_color, idx}
    <ElementTile {bg_color} element={element_data[idx]} value={Math.random()} style="width: 4em; margin: 0;" active />
    1 H 0.021
    2 He 0.762
    3 Li 0.0427
    4 Be 0.737
    5 B 0.573
    6 C 0.164
    7 N 0.712
    8 O 0.149